How to Reduce Face Fat Naturally in Less Than One Month

How to Reduce Face Fat – When you come across someone for the first time, you notice his or her face first. Most people will rather have a face with sharp edges, a perfectly chiseled jawline, and defined cheekbones. However, we cannot all have what we crave for.

A lot of people have excess fat on their face which is unhealthy. Sometimes people call these excess fat chubby cheeks which sound more appealing.

But the truth is they don’t usually make their faces attractive and they worry about it a lot. If your goal is to reduce your face size, then be rest assured, it isn’t that hard.

Do you want to know about ways on how to reduce face fat naturally?

If you are a victim of excess face fat, then this article is just right for you. I will be discussing how you can lose face fat fast in a month or thereabouts. However, before you learn of methods on how to get rid of chubby cheeks naturally, you need to understand what causes them first.

Causes of Face Fat or Chubby Cheeks

  • Obesity or being overweight

  • Lack of essential body nutrients

  • Excessive intake of carbohydrates, salt, sugar, and fats

  • Lack of enough sleep(1)

  • Poor diet

  • Dehydration

  • Genetic inheritance
Note that you cannot reduce a specific body part. For you to lose excess fat in a part of your body, you have to lose overall excess body fat. That is, for you to reduce face size, you have to work towards reducing fat from your body as a whole.


There are several ways on how to reduce face fat. Whether you are looking for techniques on how to reduce face fat for men or women, the following exercises and lifestyle changes will help you achieve that;


There are various facial exercises you can begin if you want to reduce face fat in one week.

a. Fish Face Exercise to Reduce Face Fat Naturally

If you want to elongate your facial muscles or tighten the surrounding area of your cheekbones, this exercise is perfect for you.


  • Suck your cheeks inwards.

  • Pucker your lips outward and try to replicate a fish face.

  • Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

  • Relax and repeat the movement for about 10 times.

  • Do this routine at least twice daily.

b. Rotating Your Tongue

This exercise reduces excess face fat by targeting cheek muscles. It also reduces the fat that causes double chin.

  • Begin by closing your mouth and at the same time, ensure you rotate your tongue in circular movements.

  • Ensure your tongue reaches the outer part of both upper and lower teeth.

  • Repeat this movement about 15 times each both in clockwise and anticlockwise directions.

  • Perform this routine at least twice each day.

c. Pull Up Your Lips

Pulling up your lips is an effective exercise on how to reduce face fat naturally. It gives you a prominent jawline and high cheekbones.


  • Start by ensuring your head is in a normal position.

  • Push your lower jaw out and lift up the lower lip as high as you can.

  • Continue holding for about 10-15 seconds or till you experience some stretch and tension starting to build in your chin and jaw.

  • Relax and repeat about 10-15 times at a stretch.

  • Repeat this routine for about 2-3 times daily.

d. Jaw Release

This exercise affects your jawline and higher cheekbones. It gets rid of the excess fat buildup on your chin. It also stretches and tones the muscles around your jaws, cheeks, and lips.


  • Begin by sitting or standing in a straight posture with your spine straight.

  • Keep your lips closed and move your jaw as if you are chewing gum.

  • Deeply inhale and exhale while making a humming sound.

  • Then open your mouth wide and ensure your tongue is pressed hard to your bottom teeth.

  • Hold this position for about 5 seconds, then inhale and exhale again.

  • Perform the exercise at least once daily.

f. Blowing Air Exercise

Blowing air encompasses most of the muscles in both your neck and face. The exercise provides a natural lift for your neck muscles, jaws, and cheeks.

  • Begin by sitting on a chair and ensure your spine is straight.

  • Slightly move your head back to whatever extent possible so that you face upwards towards the ceiling.

  • Then pull your lips while ensuring you blow air out from your mouth.

  • Continue this for a few seconds.

  • Relax and repeat for about 10 times.

  • Do this set twice daily?

g. Rolling Your Neck Exercise To Reduce Face Fat

Rolling your neck also an important technique on how to reduce face fat. You lose your double chin and your excess face fat. It tones your jawline, neck muscles, and chin.


  • Look straight ahead and close your eyes.

  • Gently move your head to a side, keeping in line with your chin.

  • Slowly roll your head back so that your face points toward the ceiling.

  • Next, gently roll your head to the other side and then return to the previous starting position. This completes one circular rotation.

  • Repeat this 10 times each in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions for 3 to 4 minutes.

  • Perform this exercise twice daily.

h. Puffy Cheeks Exercise

The puffy cheeks exercise is one of the fastest ways on how to reduce face fat. It makes your upper cheek muscles stronger while also ensuring your face look lean, sculpted and young.


  • Begin by closing your mouth and trying to blow air to enlarge your cheeks.

  • Stay in that position for about 10 seconds.

  • Try moving the air to your right cheek and maintain position for 10 seconds.

  • Finally, try moving the air to your other cheek and maintain position for another 10 seconds.

  • Breathe out thereafter.

  • Repeat this for 10 times.
Reference :


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